RL name: Tom
Age: 28 years
Country: Denmark
Character Name: Czar
Class: Warrior - Protection
Profession1: (+ skill) Mining (375)
Profession2: (+ skill) Blacksmithing (375)
Do you have any rare Crafts/Enchants worth mentioning?: Not really, a 2H BOE epic axe, and some plate epic bracers. Nature and Frost resistance plate set.
Armory Link: Armory Link
Do you have the reputation required for your head enchant?: Assumeing you by this mean Glyph of the Defender from Keepers of time, yes.
Are you Exalted with either Aldor or Scryer?: Yes, exalted with Aldor
Do you have any other level 70 characters?: Yes, Haxpride lvl 70 hunter
Raid Experience:
Karazhan : Cleared
Zul'Aman : 4 bosses
Gruul's Lair: Cleared
Magtheridon: Cleared
Tempest keep: Void Reaver
Serpentshrine Cavern: The Lurker Below
Mount Hyjal: None
Black Temple: None
Are u willing to respec for the raids: Yes
Time Commitments:
How long have you been playing WoW?: 3 years
How often do you play a week?: Every day
Until how late do you play?: Until the end basicly - but will prefer an endtime ~ 01.00
Your favorite raiding days and how many raids can you attend every week?: The days doesn't really matter to me, i prefer to raid ~ 5 days a week.
Do you have a working mic and able to use Ventrilo?: Yes, both mic and vent.
How is your Computer? do you have a stable connection?: Stable and fast computer and the connection is good too.
Previous guilds on Khadgar:
Why did you leave your last guild?: I don't feel any need to point out my reasons to leave a guild in a public forum - i will however gladly inform you ingame of my reasons.
Do you have anyone in Outbreak that can sponsor you apply or something to tell about you?: Hmm, Kanoom.. And i've raided lots of times pre tbc with Sikerdebaard on my hunter Haxpride... (Not sure what he is going to say tho :p ). I don't think i know anymore ppl in Outbreak at this moment.
What do you expect from Outbreak?: I expect a guild that focuses on clearing endgame content, persuing progress and not spending more time than nessacary in Karazhan.
Why do we want to pick you? Tell us ur motivation: Well in short, i want to experience as much endgame content as possible before the new expansion kicks in - and i think this guild got what it takes to get there...
Why you wanna join Outbreak: Well, my thoughts started a day in Ironforge when i was running in Tier2 on my hunter and Birdyy whispered me if i was looking for a raiding guild :p Well since then i talked to Birdyy on one occation, and we came to the understanding that my hunter gear didn't quite meet the required to get in. So now im takeing my chance with my warrior, witch in fact also is my main char.
Thank you for takeing the time to read this, and feel free to whisper me ingame if you have any questions.