RL name: Mathias
Age: 16
Country: Denmark
Character Name: Aksamas
Class: warrior
Profession1: (mining)
Profession2: (herb)
Do you have any rare Crafts/Enchants worth mentioning?: Nope
Armory Link: Error on armory u can see my gear some where
Do you have the reputation required for your head enchant?: Nope but will soon get 34+ AP and that
Are you Exalted with either Aldor or Scryer?: nothing
Do you have any other level 70 characters?: nope but working on getting 1
Raid Experience: Good
Karazhan : Yes
Zul'Aman : not really
Gruul's Lair: Yes
Magtheridon: Yes
Tempest keep: abit
Serpentshrine Cavern: nah
Mount Hyjal: nope
Black Temple: nah
Are u willing to respec for the raids: ofc.
Time Commitments: ?
How long have you been playing WoW?: 1 and a half year
How often do you play a week?: almost everyday
Until how late do you play?: normaly i play to 22:30 and 23:00 when raiding
Your favorite raiding days and how many raids can you attend every week?: hmm Wednesday friday and saturday
Do you have a working mic and able to use Ventrilo?: Yes
How is your Computer? do you have a stable connection?: Yes its fine
Previous guilds on Khadgar: Intimidators Tyderium and some others im in By faith Alone right now but wants a new
Why did you leave your last guild?: Dont raided enough
Are you transfered from a other realm to Khadgar? If yes , why? Nope
Do you have anyone in Outbreak that can sponsor you apply or something to tell about you?: Yes jumbel hes my brother
What do you expect from Outbreak?: A good and kind raiding guild and of cause friendly
Why do we want to pick you? Tell us ur motivation: Cuz im friendly and i know lots of tactics in raids and all that.
Why you wanna join Outbreak: Cuz its a nice guild and my brother is in it